Wednesday, October 12, 2005

So I've Got That Going For Me, Which is Nice...

Forgive me for the lag between posts, but have no fear - all is well. Work has just been picking up, and when I'm about done for the day, I'm fairly famished and can think of nothing but food. Thank you for inquiring, but I'm okay, and so is our little baby bee. You all are wonderful (my few yet fabulous readers!)

We had an Ultrascreen, a screening test performed in the first trimester to test for the likelihood of Down Syndrome and two other Triploidys. They take a number of measurements from the ultrasound, then take some drops of blood and put them on a card. Apparently all went well. My risk factor went from that of a 22 year-old to a 20 year-old. Thank you, cousin A and your healthy eggs! So that was good. However, I did find out that I am at risk for developing an incompetent cervix.

Why, you ask? Well... Let me tell you! And this may be an eye opener for some of you. It was for me.
I had some cervical dysplasia found on a pap smear in 1999. After a colposcopy, I had a LEEP procedure to remove the offending cells. I asked my doctor prior to this procedure if it would interfere with my ability to carry a child, to which he replied, "Not at all." Okay...
Well, when I went on Friday, September 30th for the Ultrascreen, I was told by the very kind doctor in the Perinatal Center that they were going to keep an eye on my cervix. Due to my prior LEEP, I was at risk for developing an incompetent cervix. See, it turns out that surgical procedures involving the cervix will put you at risk for having an incompetent cervix. The tremendous upside to this is that since they will be monitoring my cervix (starting October 28th and every two weeks afterwards via our favorite dildo cam), they can put in a cerclage if there is a problem. That's right, they just sew the cervix shut until 2 weeks before the due date. It's amazing, because most women don't know they have an incompetent cervix until they miscarry. What an awful way to find out. Thankfully, this is at least something they can keep an eye on.

I know that many women are rather familiar with the transvaginal ultrasounds - oh, excuse me - dildo cam, having gone through numerous ART attempts. Some are bothered by it, some just ignore it. After five rounds of IVF, I feel neglected if I'm not offered one. Anyone else find that odd? What do you think about this particular mode of imaging?


At 10/13/2005 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say that having learned the term "dildo cam" from blogs gave me a better (well, more ironic) perspective on the whole thing. But pelvic exams don't normally cause me any pain, except when they actually grab the sample for the pap, so the u/s is not bothersome.

At 10/13/2005 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not bothered by the dildo cam at all. I expect them until I'm at a certain point in pregnancy and I like the peeks at baby. Come to think of it, I'd probably feel neglected if I didn't get one during an early visit either.

At 10/13/2005 9:53 AM, Blogger Katie said...

First of all, I've had both kinds of ultrasounds, and I think I prefer the dildo cam. No full bladder to contend with = equals contentment in my book. I'm at the point where I just throw my feet up into the stirups now!

Secondly, I love the photo!! I feel like the baby has his/her hands behind his head and is gazing up into the sky.

Third-- I am going to ask about the old cervix when I finally get a baby in the belly. I didn't have a LEEP, but I did have the colposcopy. Is that a problem too?

At 10/13/2005 10:10 AM, Blogger Anna said...

Good morning!
I don't think a colposcopy will put you at risk, not from the research I've done online, but tell your doctor about it to be on the safe side.

Yeah, I'm all about the photos. My mom-in-law gave me an adorable photo album for the baby, and I can't wait to start putting the pictures in it, beginning with the embryos that were transfered in. All the pics are currently on the fridge. I was hoping for some time this weekend, but I'll need to work. Maybe next weekend!

At 10/13/2005 4:19 PM, Blogger NME said...

Love the photo! So glad you are both doing well.

IT's great that you get regular peeks at the bambino. I know that would have put my mind to rest a bit.

I never had a vaginal ultrasound - just three of the old fashioned kind and the pictures were never that good.

At 10/13/2005 4:25 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Actually, the picture posted is from a regular ol' belly ultrasound. Thankfully I didn't have to fill my bladder (because we all know how lovely THAT is), but I'm never crazy about having to mop up all that goo. ; p

At 10/13/2005 4:32 PM, Blogger Amber said...

Look at that baby! I'm glad everything is going well, though I say NUTS to the cervix news. That is BANANAS. B A N A N ... okay, I will stop there.

I had the dildo cam when I had some bleeding early on. I think it's an important experience that every woman should go through at least once in her life.

Not really. I'm actually ambivalent about it.

PS so you are not confused by the screen name, it's me from over at suspended. I am at a new blog now.

At 10/14/2005 2:07 PM, Blogger NME said...

Thank you and Aunt Cyn! The purse idea is genius. He is definitely more interested in exploring real items rather than his toys which sit virtually untouched. Right now he is beating a shoe box with the egg timer. Good times.

Thanks again!

At 10/17/2005 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWWW!!!Love the pic!! Look like your wee-bee is laying back, chillin', catchin' some rays. AH! The life... never again will his/her existence be so stress-free!

And, um... I recently read some fairly contentious stuff regarding the ol' stitiching of the cervix... not to scare you or anything like that... but you might want to look into it...

At 10/17/2005 6:34 PM, Blogger Anna said...

I've actually illustrated it before. It doesn't look like anything I'd want a part of, but if it keeps the bee where they're supposed to be, then fine. This uterus is only going to be used once! And I've made it to 15 weeks today! yay!

At 10/23/2005 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anna, Great picture, it must be wonderful to have that reassurance. Here's hoping your cervix keeps its act together.


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