Monday, August 01, 2005

ACK! The Waiting...

Trying desperately to concentrate on work and not count the seconds until the results of my beta. It's clearly not working - so I blog! I met a woman who I've seen and chatted with a few times. In April and May, we were cycling together, give or take a few days. I'm now on my 5th cycle; she was there because her last cycle worked. When she went in last week to check for a heartbeat, she was told the baby's heart had stopped beating a few days prior to the ultrasound. She had a D&C over the weekend and was in for hCG level monitoring, to make sure it gets down to zero.

This just shows me how incredibly fragile this whole process is. That any of us manage to get pregnant and actually give birth to a healthy child nine months later is an absolute miracle.

So here is to wishing and praying for miracles for us all.


At 8/01/2005 1:16 PM, Blogger Dear Diary said...

Good luck, good luck, good luck! I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now, and I'll be thinking of you today and hoping for good news! Keep us all posted when you can...


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